Councillors are summoned to the meeting of the Parish Council to be held on
Tuesday 19th January 2021 at 7.30pm via MS Teams
Dial in instructions: Join on your computer or mobile app
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Members of the public are welcome to dial in to listen to the proceedings.
1. Councillors Present.
2. Apologies. To receive apologies.
3. Declaration of Interests by Councillors of any items on this agenda.
4. Minutes. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15.12.20
5. Matters arising from the minutes not covered in this agenda.
a. Memorial bench on green
6. Police Matters
7. Correspondence (out):
a. Email to enquirer about memorial bench
8. Correspondence (in):
a. Available from the Clerk:
i. Query about 4 The Conifers – confirm no other interests
ii. White Rose Update 18/12/20
iii. Rural Funding Digest January 2021 edition
iv. Rural Bulletin 09/12, 15/12, 23/12, 05/01/21
v. NALC Chief Executive’s Bulletins 11/12, 18/12, 08/01/21
vi. NALC Rebuilding Communities newsletter 15/12, 05/01/21
vii. CYC Covid-19 Update 07/12, 09/12, 14/12, 16/12, 17/12, 22/12, 23/12, 30/12, 31/12, 04/01/21, 05/01, 06/01
viii. CVS Voluntary Voice December edition
ix. YLCA Training update Jan/Feb 21
x. YLCA Training bulletin 11/12, 24/12
xi. YLCA Covid update 05/01/21
xii. Register of Electors December 2020
9. Financial.
a. Receipts. To note:
i. Double taxation reclaim 2019/20
b. Payments. To approve:
i. Toby H Johnson 30/07/20 - 05/11/20
c. Other Matters:
i. To approve the Operating Statement, including Cllr check on Bank Statement.
10. Planning Applications.
a. New Applications:
i. 20/02447/FUL. 32 Elvington Park Elvington York YO41 4DW. Conversion of garage to living accommodation, two storey rear extension with associated raising of roof to side, hip to gable roof extension to rear
b. Approvals:
i. 20/02179/TPO. 16 Beckside Elvington York YO41 4BE. Crown reduce Oak tree back to previous cut points -protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 9/1990
c. Refusals:
d. Applications Withdrawn:
11. Highways, paths and verges.
a. Beckside crossing
b. Church Lane flooding
15. Village events. Nothing current
16. Recent and forthcoming meetings.
a. YLCA branch meeting Thursday 11 February 2021 from 6.45pm
17. Village Assets.
a. To confirm check on condition of assets.
18. Items for Newsletter, Website and Facebook.
19. Urgent business. Any other business which the Chair considers urgent under the Local Government Act 1972.
20. Items to be placed on next Agenda. To be with the Clerk before Friday 5th February.
21. Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday, 16th February.
Draft Minutes of this meeting should be available on the village website - www.elvington.net within seven days.
Celean Camp, Clerk to the Council